How to Swap Yer SHITCOIN

Shitty Questions? We’ve got you covered.

Find answers to common questions about converting SHITCOIN between Dogecoin and Ethereum networks.

What is this for?

The form on the homepage allows SHITCOIN token holders to swap their tokens back and forth between Dogecoin (via Dogeparty) and Ethereum (via ERC-20) networks. Note there is a minimum of 10,000 SHITCOIN per swap.

Why would I want to convert my tokens?

If you hold SHITCOIN on the Dogeparty side, you may want to access greater amounts of liquidity on the Ethereum side, where they can be traded at DEXs like Uniswap. If you hold SHITCOIN on the Ethereum side, you may want to redeem your bridged tokens for the original version, where they can be stored in your Dogewallet.

What is token conversion and how does it work?

By sending SHITCOIN to a bridge address, you are locking them on one network and redeeming them on the other at a 1:1 ratio. This means that the total number of SHITCOIN will always remain 69,420,000, even though some will be on the Ethereum side and most on the Dogecoin side.

What are all the fields on the form?

Glad you asked. This is the most important part for making a successful swap, so you’ll want to make sure you get it right.

Type of Swap: do you want to exchange Dogeparty tokens for ERC-20 tokens (1st option) or ERC-20 tokens for Dogeparty tokens (2nd option)?

Dogeparty (Dogecoin) Address: this is the Dogeparty address you are using to send or receive SHITCOIN.

ERC-20 (Ethereum) Address: this is the Ethereum address you are using to send or receive SHITCOIN.

Amount of Tokens Being Swapped: how many tokens are you sending to the bridge address? Note that the minimum amount of SHITCOIN for a swap is 10,000. If you send less than this, a swap will not be initiated until you reach or surpass 10k tokens sent to the bridge address.

Bridge Deposit Transaction ID: this is the blockchain transaction ID that is associated with your SHITCOIN send to the bridge address. It is also commonly referred to as a “transaction hash”, which looks like this for Ethereum:


and like this for Dogecoin:


You can find the Dogecoin transaction ID in the Dogewallet by clicking on the History tab, selecting the SHITCOIN send transaction to the bridge address, and copying the Transaction Hash under Send Details.

You can find the Ethereum transaction ID in Metamask by clicking on the Activity tab, selecting the send transaction to the token bridge, and then clicking on the “Copy Transaction ID” button. You can also find it on Etherscan next to Transaction Hash in the Transaction Details.

Dogeparty Broadcast Transaction ID: you will need to broadcast a message using the Dogewallet to verify ownership of your Dogeparty address. To do this, click on the Actions button in the wallet and select “Broadcast Message”.

Next, type the number of tokens you are swapping in the Message field, set the fee, and press “Broadcast Message”.

You will then be asked to confirm the broadcast. Make sure the Message is correct, and then press “Yes”.

You will then see a message that says “Your broadcast has been sent to the network and should be included to a block shortly.” Press “View Transaction”. This will open a page for the transaction entry on the Dogeparty block explorer. Copy the Transaction Hash and paste it in the Dogeparty Broadcast Transaction ID field on the form.

Ethereum Address Signed Message: you will also need to confirm ownership of your Ethereum address by signing a message with it. To do this, we recommending connecting your SHITCOIN-holding address to MyEtherWallet.

First, select the method to access your wallet. If you are using MetaMask, you’d select Browser Extension -> MetaMask. Make sure the active address is your SHITCOIN-holding address.

Next, select the Message drop-down menu in the left panel and click “Sign Message”.

In the text field under Signature, simply type the number of tokens you are swapping as the message content (as you have done for your Dogeparty broadcast).

Next, click “Sign”. You will be asked by your wallet to confirm the signature.

Click “Sign” at the bottom to proceed. You will then see a popup window that looks like this:

Press “Copy” and paste the contents in the Ethereum Address Signed Message field on the form.

Finally, after all fields have been filled, press the blue “Do It” button underneath the last form field to submit your swap request. And that’s it! Your form has been submitted and we will review & process your swap request as soon as possible.

Please note it may take up to 24 hours for a swap request to be processed.


Dogeparty (for Dogecoin->Ethereum swaps):

ERC-20 (for Ethereum->Dogecoin swaps):

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